foto terakhir diambil pada bulan 10 tahun 2018
SMP Negeri
3 Parenggean is one of the Junior High Schools in Central Kalimantan Province,
precisely in Kotawaringin Timur Regency, Parenggean Sub Regency, Karang Sari
Village. Same with junior high schools in Indonesia in general, school
education in this school is taken within three years, starting from Class VII
to Class IX.
school has 17 workers, consisting of 13 teachers, 1 principal, 1
Administration, 1 librarian and 1 school cleaning officer. The number of
students varies each year the average applicant ranges from 40-60 students for
each year.
Negeri 3 Parenggean stands in an area of ± 4 hectare. Now this school has 7 study
rooms consisting of 2 classes VII, 2 classrooms VII and 3 classrooms IX and also
equipped with 1 laboratory room (Science Laboratory) which since its
establishment until now has been renovated in 2011, 1 library room where
available textbooks, encyclopedias, stories, magazines, etc., 1 room for
teachers, 1 room for the Principal, 1 Administration room and 4 canteens, while
the sports facilities available are: basketball court, volleyball court and (athletic
court) long jump court. The availability of a worship facility (musholla) is
enough to provide religious nuances in this school environment. Another support
is the availability of 2 bicycle / motorcycle parking lots specifically for
students and 1 special parking lot for teachers. In addition, there are 2
pieces of toilet for students and 1 toilet for teachers and TU with fairly clean
and healthy conditions
Vision and mission
vision of SMP Negeri 3 Parenggean is to create quality people, with nationalism
and global competitiveness based on faith and piety.
mission are:
Orderly administration, implementation, evaluation of
Teaching and Learning Activities.
Implementation of duties full of discipline, authority and
High work ethic, Dedicated and full of renewal.
Develop a harmonious, dynamic work climate in a democratic
Prepare education facilities in stages and continuously.
Extracurricular activities are solid, dynamic, continuous
and accomplished.
Creating a clean, orderly, safe and peaceful school
environment, cool, beautiful, healthy, leafy and pleasant
Negeri 3 Parengggean continues to improve under the leadership of the principal
who has undergone several changes as follows:
Mr. Joko Santoso, S.Pd (Period of 2000 – 2003)
Mr. Parjo, S.Pd (Period of 2003 – 2010)
Mr. La Fahudi, S.Pd (Period of 2010 – 2012)
Mr. Sudiatno, S.Pd (Period of 2012 – 2018)
Mr. Yutam Wiler, S.Pd, M.M. (Period of 2018 – now)
eighteen years this school has graduated hundreds of students, some of whom
have already continued to pursue higher education, and worked in companies in
the Parenggean sub-regency. Our hope is that our school will be able to compete
with schools in the sub-regency, both in terms of facilities and the quality of
arranged by. IA