Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Sejarah SMPN 3 Parenggean


foto terakhir diambil pada bulan 10 tahun 2018

                SMP Negeri 3 Parenggean is one of the Junior High Schools in Central Kalimantan Province, precisely in Kotawaringin Timur Regency, Parenggean Sub Regency, Karang Sari Village. Same with junior high schools in Indonesia in general, school education in this school is taken within three years, starting from Class VII to Class IX.
                This school has 17 workers, consisting of 13 teachers, 1 principal, 1 Administration, 1 librarian and 1 school cleaning officer. The number of students varies each year the average applicant ranges from 40-60 students for each year.
                SMP Negeri 3 Parenggean stands in an area of ​​± 4 hectare. Now this school has 7 study rooms consisting of 2 classes VII, 2 classrooms VII and 3 classrooms IX and also equipped with 1 laboratory room (Science Laboratory) which since its establishment until now has been renovated in 2011, 1 library room where available textbooks, encyclopedias, stories, magazines, etc., 1 room for teachers, 1 room for the Principal, 1 Administration room and 4 canteens, while the sports facilities available are: basketball court, volleyball court and (athletic court) long jump court. The availability of a worship facility (musholla) is enough to provide religious nuances in this school environment. Another support is the availability of 2 bicycle / motorcycle parking lots specifically for students and 1 special parking lot for teachers. In addition, there are 2 pieces of toilet for students and 1 toilet for teachers and TU with fairly clean and healthy conditions
Vision and mission
                The vision of SMP Negeri 3 Parenggean is to create quality people, with nationalism and global competitiveness based on faith and piety.
                Its mission are:
Orderly administration, implementation, evaluation of Teaching and Learning Activities.
Implementation of duties full of discipline, authority and responsibility.
High work ethic, Dedicated and full of renewal.
Develop a harmonious, dynamic work climate in a democratic atmosphere.
Prepare education facilities in stages and continuously.
Extracurricular activities are solid, dynamic, continuous and accomplished.
Creating a clean, orderly, safe and peaceful school environment, cool, beautiful, healthy, leafy and pleasant
                SMP Negeri 3 Parengggean continues to improve under the leadership of the principal who has undergone several changes as follows:
Mr. Joko Santoso, S.Pd (Period of 2000 – 2003)
Mr. Parjo, S.Pd (Period of 2003 – 2010)
Mr. La Fahudi, S.Pd (Period of 2010 – 2012)
Mr. Sudiatno, S.Pd (Period of 2012 – 2018)
Mr. Yutam Wiler, S.Pd, M.M. (Period of 2018 – now)
                For eighteen years this school has graduated hundreds of students, some of whom have already continued to pursue higher education, and worked in companies in the Parenggean sub-regency. Our hope is that our school will be able to compete with schools in the sub-regency, both in terms of facilities and the quality of graduates.

arranged by. IA

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Kegiatan Kemah Besar Pramuka 2016 (Salam Pramuka)

Foto-foto dulu setelah lomba yel-yel
 Pramuka Putri Siap-Siap masuk Hutan.. xixixixixi
 Regu Putra juga tahan panas.. tahan Lumpur... tahan Makan Supermi 3 hari... hihihihihi
 Ketua Rombongan Gak mau di Foto... Konsentrasi Melawan rintangan Alam...
 lah.. yang jepret santai... lah.. yang ikut halang rintang... becyek gak ada ojyek...
 pelatih dari Parenggean.. mantan alumni lho....
 pasca kegiatan KBP di desa Mekar Jaya

Saturday, 2 April 2016


                                      ULANGAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP TP. 2015/2016

HARI/TANGGAL            : kamis, 17 maret 2016
KELAS                             : VII (7)

A.    Choose The Correct Answer By Crossing A, B, C, or D
Text for no 1-3
My idols
    Gita Gutawa is a very popular teenager singer in Indonesia. Her cute face and beautiful voice has made her an Idol. She started singing when she was in the second grade of junior high school.
    She sings beautiful songs. She also writes some songs. One of them is “Parasit”. The song shows that she likes school very much. There are many biological terms in the lyrics of “Parasit”., such as hypothermia and oxygen. She she also likes English. She improves her English by watching English movies.

1.    Who is the favorite idols that describe in the text ?
a.    English song        c. parasit
b.    Gita gutawa            d. Junior high school

2.    What kinds of text of the text above ?
a.    narrative            c. procedure
b.    recount            d. descriptive

3.    what are the generic structure of the text above ?
a.    orientation, complication, resolution
b.    description, identification
c.    goal, inggredient, steps
d.    orientation, event, re-orientation

4.    when did Gita Gutawa stars singing?
a.    When she won the Indonesian Idols
b.    When she was in the second year of Junior High School
c.    When she was in the first year of Junior High School
d.    When she was ten years old

5.    Gita gutawa sings and ..... songs.
a.    Plays            c. writes
b.    Collects            d. Shows

6.    The biological terms in the lyrics of “Parasit” show that Gita Gutawa Likes ...
a.    Math        c. english
b.    School        d. Movies

the dialogue for no. 7-10
7.    Who involved in the dialogue
a.    Lia            c. irfan
b.    Tommy        d. Lia, tommy and irfan

8.    Who likes playing video games as Tommy ?
a.    Lia        c. Lia and Irfan
b.    Irfan    d. Lia, tommy and irfan

9.    Where will Irfaan and tommy go next Sunday ?
a.    The school            c. The video games centre
b.    The basketball        d. The sport centre

10.    Base on dialogue, are they like adventure games ?
a.    Yes, they are        c. No, they aren’t
b.    Yes, they had        d. No, they had not


Text for no 11-15
11.    How many paragraph that written on the passage ?
a.    2            c. 4
b.    3            d. 5

12.    Where does the writer put his stamps collection ?
a.    In the book            c. In the wallet
b.    In the stamp album        d. In the cupboard

13.    Which sentences is TRUE according to the text above ?
a.    The writer is a philatelist
b.    Andre’s hobby is collecting stamps
c.    The writer is the only son in the family
d.    The writer’s sister likes to prapare their meal

14.    “a hobby is something we do for pleasure ...”
The underlined word has the same meaning with ....
a.    Money        c. interesting
b.    Happiness        d. Experiment

15.    “they like to spend their time in garden”. The underlined words refers to ...
a.    The writer’s mother
b.    The writer’s sister
c.    Andre and Putri
d.    The writer’s mother and father

Answer the questions base on the text

1.    Who work in jakarta?
2.    What is farhan’s job?
3.    Where is farhan work?
4.    Why do all guests go his desk?
5.    What information does Farhan give to the guest?
6.    What does Farhan do with the guest identity card ?
7.    Do the guests pay bill to farhan ?
8.    What farhan do with the guest identity card when the guests leave ?
9.    Where do the the guests check out ?
10.    What does farhan do when the guests check out?